New York Times Source Code Leak


The New York Times recently experienced a significant security breach, leading to the leak of their source code. This breach was initiated through an exposed GitHub token, allowing unauthorised access to their repositories

How It Happened

An anonymous hacker posted the New York Times’ source code on 4chan. The breach occurred due to an exposed GitHub token, which provided access to over 5,000 repositories, totalling 270 GB of data. The stolen data included sensitive and proprietary information.

Response from The New York Times

The New York Times confirmed the breach and revealed that a credential was inadvertently exposed in January 2024. They quickly addressed the issue, emphasising that their systems remained non-compromised and their operations unaffected. However, this incident highlights the critical need for stringent security measures.

Implications of the Leak

The breach exposed vast amounts of data, including source code for various projects. This poses significant risks for the New York Times, including potential security vulnerabilities and intellectual property theft. The leaked data also included uncompressed tar files, with the hacker urging users to seed due to potentially insufficient seed-boxes. Reactions ranged from disbelief at the volume of repositories to jokes about the newspaper’s digital complexity.

Connection to Disney Leak

Just days before, another breach occurred involving Disney’s internal servers. A hacker associated with the defunct game Club Penguin leaked 2.5 GB of sensitive data, including corporate strategies and internal emails. This shows a disturbing trend of high-profile data breaches. The Disney breach exploited Confluence servers via exposed credentials, further emphasising the need for robust security practices.


This incident underscores the critical importance of securing access tokens and implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information. As cyber threats evolve, organizations must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding their digital assets. Securing the CI/CD Pipeline should be a priority for every organization and PureID’s CASPR can be a game-changer.

GitHub: Millions of Secrets Exposed


In 2023, developers inadvertently leaked a staggering 12.8 million secrets on public GitHub repositories, marking a concerning 28% increase from the previous year. This revelation underscores the security challenge faced by GitHub, as highlighted in a recent report by GitGuardian, a leading security vendor in the software development realm.

Persistent Security Gap

Despite the alarming number of leaked secrets, GitGuardian found that a staggering 90% of these exposed secrets remained active even five days after the initial leakage. Shockingly, only a mere 2.6% were revoked within one hour of receiving notification via email.

The Threat of Malicious Repository Forks

The report adds to the ongoing security challenges faced by GitHub. Since mid-2023, attackers have exploited GitHub’s ecosystem, employing sophisticated tactics to infiltrate legitimate repositories and spread malware. These incidents serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges in securing the software supply chain.

Commonly Leaked Secrets

The most commonly leaked secrets included Google API keys, MongoDB credentials, OpenWeatherMap tokens, Telegram Bot tokens, Google Cloud keys, and AWS IAM. These leaked credentials could potentially grant unauthorised access to sensitive enterprise resources, posing a significant threat to organisational security.

Growing Popularity of AI Services

GitGuardian’s report also shed light on the growing popularity of AI services, with a notable increase in leaks of OpenAI API keys and HuggingFace user access tokens. These findings underscore the need for heightened security measures in the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

Sectoral Impact

The IT sector emerged as the worst offender, accounting for 65.9% of the total leaked secrets, followed by education, science & technology, retail, manufacturing, and finance and insurance.

It’s concerning to see India leading the charge in secret leaks, underscoring the necessity of bolstering security practices in CI/CD pipelines. This serves as a reminder of the critical need for enhanced vigilance in safeguarding sensitive data.

Call to Action

GitGuardian urged organisations to not only detect but also remediate these leaks effectively. While detection is crucial, remediation efforts are equally essential in mitigating the risks associated with leaked secrets. Additionally, organisations can enhance their security posture by leveraging advanced authentication frameworks such as PureAUTH’s CASPR module.

This module ensures codebase integrity with cryptographic verification. By implementing robust security measures and utilising advanced authentication solutions, organisations can better safeguard their data.


In conclusion, the findings from GitGuardian’s report underscore the pressing need for organisations to prioritise security measures to safeguard sensitive data and prevent unauthorised access to critical resources. The threat posed by millions of malicious repository forks since mid-2023 further highlights the importance of bolstering GitHub’s security infrastructure. By adopting advanced authentication frameworks such as CASPR, organisations can bolster their defences against security threats and ensure the integrity of their codebase.

PureID helps enter prises to remove secrets like passwords, static keys, access tokens with its passwordless technology. By adopting it’s other  advanced authentication frameworks such as ZITA – Just-In-Time-Access & CASPR code-commit protection, organisations can bolster their defences against security threats and ensure the integrity of their codebase.

GitHub’s Battle Against Malicious Forks : A Security Challenge


GitHub, a leading software development platform, faces a grave security threat posed by millions of malicious repository forks. Since mid-2023, attackers have exploited GitHub’s ecosystem, employing sophisticated tactics to infiltrate legitimate repositories and spread malware.

The Attack

The attack involves cloning existing repositories, injecting malware, and uploading them back to GitHub under the same names. Automated systems then fork these repositories thousands of times, amplifying the malicious spread. This campaign targets unsuspecting developers, executing code designed to steal sensitive information such as authentication cookies.


  • May 2023: Malicious packages uploaded to PyPI, spread through ‘os.system(“pip install package”)’ calls in forks of popular GitHub repos.
  • July-August 2023: Malicious repos uploaded to GitHub directly, bypassing PyPI after removal of malicious packages.
  • November 2023-Now: Over 100,000 repos detected with similar malicious payloads, continuing to grow.

GitHub’s Response

GitHub employs automated tools to swiftly detect and remove malicious repositories. However, despite these efforts, some repositories evade detection, posing a persistent threat. GitHub encourages community reporting and has implemented default push protection to prevent accidental data leaks.


The widespread nature of the attack risks secondary social engineering effects, as naive users unknowingly propagate malware. GitHub’s security measures mitigate risks, but the incident underscores vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. Similar campaigns targeting dependencies highlight the fragility of software supply chain security.

How can PureID help?

Pure ID authentication framework provides enterprise users with individual commit-signing keys. All the changes to code repositories can be cryptographically verified at the build time, if it’s coming from a trusted user or not.

Without cryptographic verification its hard to determine if the code is committed from a  trusted/original author and is free from any unauthorised commits or sanctity violation.

Removing passwords from authentication flow further hardens the security of the code repositories.


GitHub’s battle against malicious forks underscores the ongoing challenges in securing the software supply chain. Vigilance, community reporting, and enhanced security measures are essential to effectively mitigate risks in the ever-evolving threat landscape.

See Also:

Slack’s GitHub Exposed – Another MFA Failure

Slack reported suspicious activity on January 9th, 2023 regarding a breach in it’s remotely stored GitHub account. Upon investigation, it was found that tokens of a few Slack employees were stolen, and used to gain access to remote git repositories. The threat actors also downloaded code from private repository. Slack also stated that the threat resulted from a third party vendor, and also assured its users that no customer data is at risk.

Previous Incidents

In March 2015, Slack shared that it had been hacked for over four days in Feb 2015. Additionally, In January 2021, it had a outage for several hours. In a previous blog , we have discussed a past security bug on Slack at December 2022 where passwords were stored in their Android apps in plain text.

Reason and Impact

The attackers were able to gain access due to a security flaw in Slack’s authentication system using Brute Force. Once they had access, they were able to steal the secret seeds (used to generate pseudo random tokens) associated with that organisation’s account and gain access to the private code repositories stored on GitHub. The fact that a brute force attack was successful indicates a security lapse from Slack.

The company claims that the threat actors did not get access to production environment, customer data or Slack resources. Additionally, Slack rotated the concerning tokens with the third vendors, and deployed additional security on their externally hosted GitHub.

About MFA Tokens

In their update what Slack is mentioning as token are MFA seeds or secret keys. These seeds or keys are shared secret between the (Slack’s) server and user’s MFA application. These seeds are used in generation of tokens which are then used to authenticate user in conjunction with passwords.

image credit – Twilio

Twilio has provided here a detailed explanation on how the MFA works with secret keys. Unfortunately Twilio’s Authy was breached and customer’s TOTP secret keys were leaked in the recent past.


Authentication system depending on abusable data like Passwords, Biometrics, or TOTP/HOTP Tokens, of public-keys are insecure by design. Adopting authentication solution which makes use of zero-knowledge factors are resilient to data leakage in case of breach.

PureID‘s Passwordless Authentication platform – PureAUTH eliminates the risk in case of total breach of the authentication parameters it uses to verify users.

Check out, how PureAUTH makes Slack Passwordless and secure from credential based attacks.

Connect with us to know how PureAUTH platform can help your enterprise be more secure and resilient.

Dropbox Employees Phished, GitHub Repositories Exposed

Dropbox disclosed a security breach on October 14th 2022, resulted due to Phishing Emails. The email was impersonating a third-party service used by its employees. The attack resulted in credential leaks of employees, which enabled the threat actors access to their Github accounts. The hackers stole the content from 130 repositories, consisting information about Dropbox employees, users, and vendors.

Phishing email impersonating CircleCI

The Incident

Phishing campaign initiated by adversary targeted multiple Dropbox Employees. The emails were crafted to mimic communication from CircleCI , which is a Continuous Integration and Delivery Platform. The phishing link redirected users to a landing page where they were asked to enter their GitHub username and password.

CircleCI login options
CICircle Login page

On a fake GitHub page, the employees were requested their Hardware Authentication Keys to provide an OTP for 2 step authentication. Adversaries used these credentials to access some less secure repositories of Dropbox, containing some API keys, and customised tools.

CircleCI login page
Github Login Page

The adversaries are not traced yet, as they used VPNs to hide their tracks.

The incident details shared by Dropbox
The incident details shared by Dropbox

The Impact

Dropbox breach is a direct result of phishing, which was not contained by 2FA or MFA solutions the firm normally has in place.

Furthermore, the laws of the United States allow authorities to have access to user data under Patriot Act and such, hence the firm can also store user information. In the past, there have been multiple instances at Dropbox where user data was compromised. However, in this particular case, the company is claiming that no core app code was compromised. For more details, visit here.

Previous Incidents

Dropbox is not the sole victim of brand impersonation phishing attacks. Earlier, other organisations such as Sony Pictures, BenefitMall, and JP Morgan Chase have fallen victim to the same. Furthermore US Power grid and John Podesta are also highly notable examples of Phishing Attacks.

IBM’s 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report found phishing to be the second most expensive attack vector to contend with, costing organisations an average of $4.65 million. Phishing using brand impersonation is becoming quite popular as well. LinkedIn is used for this purpose 52% of the time, while DHL, Google, Microsoft and FedEx also hold a considerable proportion of it. You can find more about the stats here.


Millions of phishing emails are sent daily. Many spam mails slips through spam filters and when that happens, you must be able to rely on your employees to stay vigilant and act responsibly. That is the reason why many companies opt for Employee Awareness Training Plans.

When training campaigns cannot keep pace with the new trends, and URL-checking anti-phishing measures is proving to be far more intrusive. The best option right now is to switch to Password-less Systems with Zero Knowledge Encryption.

With PureAuth Password-less authentication, you can effectively mitigate the risk of having your password compromised by phishing and a number of other methods. 

Feel free to explore further blogs by us related to Phishing and Github . Stay safe. #Gopasswordless